Shuttle Service
The summer 'Shuttle' yacht taxi service has resumed and will operate on Thursday evenings to support the Yacht racing plus for four weekend sessions from 09:00 to 13:00 and 13:00 to 16:00 on Saturday and Sunday. Call on VHF channel 37 (M1) for service. Please volunteer as helm if you can (PB2 required) using the Duty Roster. Without your support this valuable service cannot operate.
Published 16:02 on 15 Apr 2021
"Freedom Race"
With the Step 1 relaxation of the coronavirus restrictions allowing organised outdoor sporting activity to resume the "Freedom Race" was enthusiastically attended by 6 yachts braving the anticipated cold conditions in an attempt to conclude the curtailed winter racing series. Unfortunately, the largely-expected very light winds caused a delayed platform start whilst hoping that the breeze might fill-in which, as it turned out, allowed the sailors to enjoy a surprisingly warm Sunday morning under a
Published 10:18 on 6 Apr 2021
Sailing Update
New-season Yacht and Dinghy racing will re-commence from 12th April assuming the pandemic data allows the UK Government to keep to its declared roadmap out of lockdown. Dinghy racing will take place Monday evening 12th April (warning 17:55) and the first Thursday race for the Yachts will be on the 15th.(warning 17:55). Before that there is a "Freedom" race for the yachts on Easter Sunday 4th April @ 10:00 which also represents the
Published 12:16 on 25 Mar 2021